Circus Mirandus
(Kindle Book, OverDrive Read)
A New York Times Book Review Notable Children's Book of 2015
A New York Times Bestseller
Fans of The Magician's Elephant, Savvy, and Roald Dahl will fall in love with Circus Mirandus, which celebrates the power of seeing magic in the world.
Do you believe in magic?
Micah Tuttle does.
Even though his awful Great-Aunt Gertrudis doesn’t approve, Micah believes in the stories his dying Grandpa Ephraim tells him of the magical Circus Mirandus: the invisible tiger guarding the gates, the beautiful flying birdwoman, and the magician more powerful than any other—the Man Who Bends Light. Finally, Grandpa Ephraim offers proof. The Circus is real. And the Lightbender owes Ephraim a miracle. With his friend Jenny Mendoza in tow, Micah sets out to find the Circus and the man he believes will save his grandfather.
The only problem is, the Lightbender doesn't want to keep his promise. And now it's up to Micah to get the miracle he came for.
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More Details
Level 4.8, 9 Points
Reviews from GoodReads
Cassie Beasley. (2015). Circus Mirandus. Penguin Young Readers Group.
Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation (style guide)Cassie Beasley. 2015. Circus Mirandus. Penguin Young Readers Group.
Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide)Cassie Beasley, Circus Mirandus. Penguin Young Readers Group, 2015.
MLA Citation (style guide)Cassie Beasley. Circus Mirandus. Penguin Young Readers Group, 2015.
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OverDrive Product Record
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A New York Times Book Review Notable Children's Book of 2015
A New York Times Bestseller
Fans of The Magician's Elephant, Savvy, and Roald Dahl will fall in love with Circus Mirandus, which celebrates the power of seeing magic in the world.
Do you believe in magic?
Micah Tuttle does.
Even though his awful Great-Aunt Gertrudis doesn’t approve, Micah believes in the stories his dying Grandpa Ephraim tells him of the magical Circus Mirandus: the invisible tiger guarding the gates, the beautiful flying birdwoman, and the magician more powerful than any other—the Man Who Bends Light. Finally, Grandpa Ephraim offers proof. The Circus is real. And the Lightbender owes Ephraim a miracle. With his friend Jenny Mendoza in tow, Micah sets out to find the Circus and the man he believes will save his grandfather.
The only problem is, the Lightbender doesn't want to keep his promise. And now it's up to Micah to get the miracle he came for.- gradeLevels
- value: Grade 3
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A New York Times Book Review Notable Children's Book of 2015
A New York Times Bestseller
Fans of The Magician's Elephant, Savvy, and Roald Dahl will fall in love with Circus Mirandus, which celebrates the power of seeing magic in the world.
Do you believe in magic?
Micah Tuttle does.
Even though his awful Great-Aunt Gertrudis doesn’t approve, Micah believes in the stories his dying Grandpa Ephraim tells him of the magical Circus Mirandus: the invisible tiger guarding the gates, the beautiful flying birdwoman, and the magician more powerful than any other—the Man Who Bends Light. Finally, Grandpa Ephraim offers proof. The Circus is real. And the Lightbender owes Ephraim a miracle. With his friend Jenny Mendoza in tow, Micah sets out to find the Circus and the man he believes will save his grandfather.
The only problem is, the Lightbender doesn't want...- sortTitle
- Circus Mirandus
- lexileScore
- 710
- crossRefId
- 1977616
- classifications
- publisher
- Penguin Young Readers Group
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- 4.8
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- code: JUV013030
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Family / Multigenerational
- code: JUV031010
- description: Juvenile Fiction / Performing Arts / Circus
- code: JUV037000
- description: JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy / General