Miss Malarkey

Finchler, Judy
Showing 1 - 7 of 7
Book cover for "Miss Malarkey doesn't live in room 10".
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Series Volume:
A first-grade boy is shocked, then pleased, when he discovers that his teacher has a life away from school.
Book cover for "Miss Malarkey won't be in today".
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Series Volume:
A teacher imagines the chaos that takes place when she stays home one day because she is sick.
Book cover for "Testing Miss Malarkey".
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Series Volume:
Although the teachers, the principal, and parents say The Test is not important, their actions tell another story.
Book cover for "You're a good sport, Miss Malarkey".
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Series Volume:
The children on a newly formed soccer team love their coach, Miss Malarky, who doesn't know much about the game except how to make it fun, but the school principal and parents have other ideas.

5.  Miss Malarkey's field trip

Cover Image
Series Volume:
Book cover for "Miss Malarkey leaves no reader behind".
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Series Volume:
Miss Malarkey vows to find each of her students a book to love by the end of the school year, but one video-game loving boy proves to be a challenge.
Book cover for "Congratulations, Miss Malarkey!".
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Series Volume:
Miss Malarkey is behaving very strangely, giggling in the halls and teaching lessons about marriage customs, as her students worry that she is quitting teaching.