Upside-down magic

Mlynowski, Sarah
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Book cover for "Upside-down magic".
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4.2 stars
It's never easy when your magic goes wonky. For Nory, this means that instead of being able to turn into a dragon or a kitten, she turns into both of them at the same time -- a dritten. For Elliott, the simple act of conjuring fire from his fingertips turns into a fully frozen failure. For Andres, wonky magic means he's always floating in the air, bouncing off the walls, or sitting on the ceiling. For Bax, a bad moment of magic will turn him into...
Book cover for "Sticks & stones".
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5 stars
Nory, Bax, and their friends are in a special class at Dunwiddle Magic School, a class for children whose magic is unpredictable--and while Nory is finding an outlet for her dritten-self (a combination of a kitten and dragon), in the kittenball team, Bax is worried because all he can do is turn into a rock, and nobody knows why.
Book cover for "Showing off".
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5 stars
The Dunwiddle Magic School (fifth to eighth grade) is intended for children whose magic is "upside-down" like Dory (who turns into a combination of a kitten and dragon) and Pepper (whose uncontrollable "fiercing" terrifies everyone around her)--so the Show Off, where fifth grade students are supposed to showcase their skills, does not really seem like a good idea.
Book cover for "Dragon overnight".
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Average Rating:
4.8 stars
Nory Horace can turn herself into a kitten. But sometimes she adds in a bit of dragon and, well, accidentally turns into a dritten. Oops? Her friend Andres Padillo can fly high . . . but then he can't fly back down again. Nory and Andres are in an Upside-Down Magic class with other kids who have unusual magic. Now they're off on their first-ever overnight field trip! At Dragon Haven, Nory, Andres, and their UDM classmates get to swim with dragons,...
Book cover for "Weather or not".
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Average Rating:
5 stars
"When Willa's upside-down magic rains, it pours. Clouds form under ceilings. Classrooms get flooded. Umbrellas must always be nearby, just in case Willa has an outburst. Willa hates being the source of such sogginess. Even worse, the more she rains, the badder she feels ... and the badder she feels, the more she rains. All the storminess is threatening to drown her good grades and flood all her friendships. Is there any way to use magic to make the...
Book cover for "The big shrink".
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5 stars
Marigold Ramos can magically make things small--sometimes very, very small. The only problem? She can't figure out how to make them big again. Maybe a new tutor can help Marigold manage her magic. And maybe her magic will come in handy as she and her friends in the Upside-Down Magic class band together to protest a new rule by their principal, a super unfair rule that bans them from bringing their amazing new toy dragons to school.
Book cover for "Hide and seek".
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Series Volume:
Average Rating:
5 stars
When a flood forces Nory and her best friends to evacuate Dunwiddle and relocate to prestigious Sage Academy, the upside-down magic students have a hard time fitting in.
Book cover for "Night owl".
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Tonight is the Big Night sleepover at Dunwiddle Magic School, when all the fifth graders stay overnight at school and participate in the scavenger hunt, except Nory's friend Elliott is attending a concert at rival Sage Academy where he plans to attend after the winter break--but if Nory can convince her fellow upside-down magic friends to take the hunt seriously, cooperate, and win, then maybe she can convince Elliott to stay at Dunwiddle.